Ms Magdalena Drzewiecka

Belgravia | Dulwich

Ms Magdalena Drzewiecka

Magdalena is a Women’s Health specialist, Pelvic Floor and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist.

She is originally from Poland. She completed her Bachelor of Physiotherapy in early 2014.

Moreover, she achieved a Master of Physiotherapy from the Mazovian Medical University in Warsaw in 2022, after years of experience working in several public and private facilities.

Before directing her focus onto Women’s Health physiotherapy, Magdalena gained an extensive experience in MSK physiotherapy treatments, covering all the different fields of physiotherapy rehabilitation.

Throughout her career, Magdalena has pursued numerous post-diploma trainings, allowing her to specialise in Women’s health, including pre and postnatal care.

In one of her many previous experiences, Magdalena has been involved in the rehabilitation of postsurgery patients, especially in gynaecology and oncology.

She has a special interest and strong background in postnatal care, treating conditions such as pelvic pain, incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, sexual dysfunctions, diastasis recti and scars and many more.

Magdalena is passionate about helping women to achieve success in their rehab goals, restoring pain-free movement and function and improve their quality of life.

She defended her master’s thesis against the physical activity of pregnant women and impact on pregnancy and childbirth.

Magdalena is overly dedicated in giving consistent and tailored treatments to her patients, providing evidence-based care, constantly learning, and doing regular trainings in Women’s Health and Gynaecology. Her approach to physiotherapy is focused on each person’s care, ensuring they all receive targeted, most efficient treatments.

She is a member of the Professional network CSP and the Health and Care Professions Council.